The Giardino Giusti is proud to take part in the XIVth edition of Verona Risuona –riconversione sonora di spazi urbani – a festival of sound and digital art with a performance entitled The Act of Touch by Jacopo Mazzonelli and Tovel (aka Matteo Franceschini – Leone d’argento at the Venice Biennale of Music in 2019). The initiative has been launched by Spazio Cordis with the support of AGIVERONA Associazione Culturale e Lorenzo Lomonaco and courtesy of the Paolo Maria Deanesi Gallery (Trento), Galleria Giovanni Bonelli (Milan - Pietrasanta) as well as a Private Collection in Verona. Of all the instruments, it was undoubtedly the piano which played the principal role in the flowering of western music from the late eighteenth century to the present day. In this sense, the musical performance The Act of Touch, building on Jacopo Mazzonelli’s work ABCDEFG, allows us to retrace our footsteps, to regress as it were to the essential, and to take part in a creative “purification”, the aim of which is to capture the most profound image of what is being written: matter, the white keys, the seven notes, the line/space alternation of the pentagram. The Act of Touch propels the spectator into an unexpected soundscape, in which the organized sound becomes explicit only after a complex exploration of the materials. The works of Jacopo Mazzonelli [ABCDEFG, 2015-16, assembled vertical pianos, of various sizes] form part of private collections which have generously agreed to their exhibition in the Giardino Giusti Museum-house until 30 June. Access is restricted to those with accreditation.